This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/9/00 10:52:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< < I wonder if anywhere in Canada or the
  States there is a place where there are no bugs, snakes, or winter....LOL. 
 It's called New Mexico.  We do have winter but in my half of the state we 
 mostly do it at night.   >>

ROFLMAO!!!!  No bugs in New Mexico??? <g>  You want to know what drove me out 
of that state, second only to the school system for special needs children 
being abysmal?  CENTIPEDES.  Big, honking, nearly a foot long, fast on their 
feet and mean and ugly.  Nearly impossible to kill.  <shuddering, 
remembering>.  We lived in what has to be the nicest house I've lived in  my 
whole life.  I called it Centipede Palace.  It was beautiful, with the great 
room, huge bathrooms, the sunroom, walk in pantry, not to mention the barn 
and arena and pastures.  But funny.  Those centipedes seemed to think I 
invited them to live there too.  They'd crawl in through the vents and make 
me nuts.  We hired exterminators to put little traps in the vents.  Every 
month they'd clean out the vents and always find 5 or 6 of the nasties.  And 
still, once in a while one would while it's way around the traps, into the 

Nope.  OREGON is the place to be, as far as lack of winter, no poisonous 
snakes and no bugs to speak of.  Very enjoyable.  Oh, except for the big 
nasty horseflies, but even those can be taken care of by proper horse spray.


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