This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

dear  teresa,
guess what i found outside my horse tank this morning?  one of my beautiful
goldfish (white and orange, long fins)  outside the tank, dead!  either it
jumped out or quinn's been fishing!  hope he stopps soon.  denise in
mokelumne hill, calif.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Denise- I laughed out-loud reading your story. I could just picture him
> trying to sneak up on those fish. They are so cute when the young ones
> in the water, but to add the goldfish must have really put  some
> into his day.
> My friends would keep goldfish in their stock tank, the cows and other
> never minded the little swimmers but this horse would take exception to
> visitors in her trough. She would suck them up and spit them out on the
> ground! She would stand with her nose right at the water line until one
> by, than swoosh, it was history. ......she
> was "fishing" at the tank

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