This message is from: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Some time ago we had a discussion about terre à terre and I never quite 
succeded in explaining what this movement of the classical school really was. 

Today, I found out that Bent Branderup, a Danish trainer of classical riding, 
has videos of this movement and others on his homepage. Go to:

The English version is not working yet, so clic on 'deutsch'. IF you can't see 
'deutsch' or ' english' (which I couldn't the first time - the page seem to 
have some problems) go directly to:


Clic on 'Akademische Reitkunst' (toolbar to the left)

Now, I've had some problems to scroll down. If it doesn't work you can lure the 
comp by keeping the left mousbutton down and 'mark' the text. This is the only 
way I manage to scroll down, for some reason. Clic 'weiter' by the end of the 

You will now see many small drawings of horses performing movements. When you 
touch the individual horses, you will see text: 'Stufe....' (step) and an 
explanation of the movements. Some of the horses have a video connected to the. 
I've found videos to the 'Stufes' 6. Schulterherein, 7. Kruppeherein, 12. 
Piaffe, 13. Passage, 15. Terre á terre and 16. Karpiole. When touching these 
horses you will se a small bar 'Film herunterladen'. Just clic and the video 

Excuse me for this long for-dummies-explanation, but I've had HUGE problems to 
get this great site to work myself, so I guess that it might be the same for 
other people. That's why I've been presenting my ring-road around the 

Have a nice weekend all of you!



Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology & Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082 (dept.) +46-18-553627 (home)

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