This message is from: "Donna Tauscher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List

Hope it's OK to vent here.

I just contacted the Sheriff's department to report a starving mare
and her filly I saw in a pen not far from my house . I didn't know
horses could be that thin and still be alive. I found out that this
neglect has been ongoing , but I am the first person willing to report

I'm just sick about it and I can't understand why nobody said
anything. She's a brown mare and her filly is a tri-colored paint
(very pretty heads) Their feet are so long that they are almost
walking on their hocks. I just put some hay in the pen . I asked the
dispatcher - She said I wouldn't get in trouble if I did. I'm going
out to hug my chubby Fjord mare , Gracie , and say a prayer for the
paint filly and her mom. I hope their suffering will end soon.


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