This message is from: "Stella Norrvi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi list!

Louise wrote
>I have noticed that the white hairs on our our Fjords mane's seems to grow
>in layers. It's like they end up with one layer of white longer than
>another. Am I doing something wrong when I cut them, or is that normal?

Is this like a ghost line? I´ts there but you can´t see exactly where? If so, 
it´s a bit confusing but a cut fjord mane always has it. And I´ts practical 
too, next time you cut the mane, just follow the line and you will have the 
same result as last time (although it can be less practical if you did it wrong 
the time before ;-) )
Well, the thing is, the line is were you did cut last time, weird but true.

Stella, a couple of kilometers outside Stockholm

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