This message is from: Nancy Newport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For mane cutting I use the Fiskar Razor scissors
(the gray ones) - they seem to work really well.

I did shave off manes once to start over and it
took 3 months to grow back to a good 4" mane, so
I don't think I'll be doing that again unless I
can hide the girls for 3 months.

My two youngest daughters and I went to Bend, Or.
to visit my oldest daughter recently and we
stopped in to visit Amy Evers in Redmond. She has
two nice mares and little Prins who is so cute
and sweet. Thank you Amy for letting us visit. We
would have toured all the Fjord farms in Oregon,
but my agenda was full with meeting the boyfriend
and all.

My little Jagr is growing like a weed, and he is
so solid. I couldn't believe how much he'd grown
while we were in Oregon. I put my old TB mare in
with them and he has her wrapped around his
little hoof, now he can eat out of two buckets
and runs back and forth between them.  She will
be his babysitter in a few months.

I'm getting ready to take some baby pictures for
the Fjord Herald and want to cut his mane, but I
think I'll take before and after pictures in case
I get a little carried away with the scissors or
he jumps.

Nancy Newport
Gainesville, Florida
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