This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Equine how to...
    To induce labor in a mare? Take a nap.
    To cure equine constipation? Load them in a clean trailer.
    To cure equine insomnia? Take them in a halter class.
    To get a horse to stay very calm and laid back? Enter them in a liberty
    To get a horse to wash their own feet? Clean the water trough and fill
 it with fresh water.
    To get a mare to come in heat? Take her to a show.
    To get a mare in foal the first cover? Let the wrong stallion get out
 of his stall.
    To make sure that a mare has that beautiful, perfectly marked foal you
  always wanted? Sell her before she foals.
    To get a show horse to set up perfect and really stretch? Get him out
 late at night or anytime no one is a round to see him.
    To induce a cold snap in the weather? Clip a horse.
    To make it rain? Mow a field of hay.
    To make a small fortune in the horse business? Start with a large one.

typing one handed temporarily. i apologize in advance for brevity & license in
writing style,
Cynthia Madden

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