This message is from: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone.  Just had to share something that happened at home Sun.
while I was on a beautiful drive sponcered by the James River Driving
Association ( I was the groom for a friend).  Mistake number one-I
should've been home chaperoning.My teenage daughter & her boyfriend
decide to go on a trail ride/picnic. ( They left me a message scrawled in
the dust on the door of his pickup truck that said "picnic".) I saw that
Loki & our quarter pony were gone & I knew the direction they took since
a gate was left open but I got really upset when I saw that their bridles
& saddles were still at home!  Andrew is a non-rider plus severely
allergic to horses of all things.  It all turned out well-Loki brought
Andrew home safely but they did have some excitement when Loki decided to
"gallop" part of the way home.  (I wonder how that boy's walking today! )
At least they had enough sense to have on helmets.  I'm so grateful to
have a dependable fjord ...if only I had teenagers with brains!  But I
remember those younger years when I rode bareback with just a
halter....couldn't pay me to do that now!  Looking forward to a calm
week-Sandra in Va. 


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