This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Janne I agree with your statements about our local Vets..I consider mine a
good friend and he also makes the emergency trip when needed.

I would like to send a bird your way since you are the bird watcher.  A male
song sparrow sees his reflection in my bedroom and living room windows.  For
six days he has been attacking that image and you should see my windows not
to mention what must be happening to his body.  I am awakened at 6 AM every
morning with him bashing himself against the window.  I rigged up a dish
towel on a string and pull that in the window to frighten him but it only
works for a bit.  Then brought the old swivel headed owl in from the garage
and placed it in the bushes by the windows.  Took him about a half hour and
he is back bashing himself again. His song is beginning to sound pretty poor
and reedy.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

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