This message is from: "Hope Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Listers, I didn't know horses had tapeworms.  Geesh, where have I been!
    I remember some of the horse remedies from when we still ran the farm
with mules.  Garlic, tobacco for worms, a teacup full of turpentine pressed
over the navel for colic.
I started riding when I was two, on those draft mules, hanging on to thier
collars.  Have a picture of it, fearless and happy!  Of course, would I let
my nieces do it, no.
   I lent Thor out last Fall to a neighbor, to give ponyback rides on,
bareback.  One adult leading, another with a hand on the child.  Thor likes
children alot, has patience with them, very gentle.
   Brought up some of the tack for springcleaning.  Started ground work with
the boys, Pat Parelli combined with Linda Tellington Jones.  Make one stand
tied while I work the other, which they always complain about after spending
the winter together.  I am hoping someone will come out and show us how to
harness using the breastcollar single harness, help us measure for a new
saddle for that harness and pick one out from Smuckers.  My cart weighs 500
lbs and carries 3 people, a professional driver looked the harness over and
said it was ok but needs a heavier duty saddle with all that weight to pull.
Anybody need a lighter weight saddle, I am going to have one extra, Ha!
  I looked into joining the local driving club.  Most of their meetings are
in the evening over an hours drive away.  May join anyway, just for the
newsletter and what activities might go on out this way.
Rambling again, and not while on the trail, so later, Hope

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