This message is from: "finally r farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I hope that this summer my family and my beloved three Fjords will be moving
home to Washington State from Missouri. When we moved out to Missouri ( 3
years ago), the company that hired me paid for a commercial hauler whom I
was very happy with. Now, we are going to haul them back, only this time no
commercial hauler will be involved. So here are the questions.....
1. How long can/should the horses be hauled for?
2. Should I put straw or something down for such a long trip?( Their feet
will be wrapped.)
3. What should I do overnight?
4. What do I do about execerise? Is it better to take them out and just let
them walk around or should I lunge them?
5. Feed consideration
The trailer will most likely be a tandem axle, 3 or 4 horse, no air shocks
(like commercial hauler had ) and a bumper pull.

Anything that you think is an important consideration, please let me know

Jeri in Missouri

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