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Hi Janet, sorry to hear that your pony foundered. I have a saying from one of 
my older vets that he's never met a pony who hasn't foundered or won't in the 
future. We even had a case of mechanical founder where a pony mare foundered 
from the stress of carrying too heavy a rider up and down hills. Admit that 
one was a new one on me and she didn't seem to mind the weight. Another 
lesson learned and filed away.
   Any way given access to a running stream I like standing them in it for as 
long as possible several times a day. If that isn't possible we use buckets 
and stick all four in and run the hose in them keeping the water as cold as 
possible. We hand walk on soft ground such as a sand ring several times a 
day. I have seen vets pack feet for this but never done that one.
   I like using MSM twice a day added to a little grain, most will ignore it 
and eat it, also oral bute or the new buteless bute which has Devil's Claw in 
it and is easier on the stomach. The MSM seems to help blood flow and 
    My understanding is during the founder process histimines are released 
and if you are in time you can use antihistimines to stop the process. I've 
never managed the in time part so always ended up treating it. After all is 
healed we trim and pull the toes back as far as possible, this changes the 
breakover slightly and seems to make most comfortable and usable without 
   Hope that helps and really with over 30 plus years caring for all ages and 
sizes of equines I've only had one who ended up not usable and that was after 
many times of founder.
    Good luck, Robyn in MD

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