This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

We would like to congratulate Janice Lee of Nebraska on her purchase of our
sweet Suki [WS Sukkertoy], who carries an Erlend-sired grey foal. [see
below] We are delighted that she is going to Janice, who is a very
knowledgeable horsewoman and judge, and is already providing a good home to
grey Pjoska, from Bluebird Farm.

Here is a copy of information on color I received from Arne Presthus.


1]    aa BB CC ZZ
 Individuals of this genotype bred to Brown and Red Duns, can give Brown Dun
and Grey. Bred to Greys, it can give only Grey. Bred to Uls and Yellow Duns,
it can give Brown Dun, Grey and Uls Dun.

2]    aa Bb CC ZZ
Individuals of this genotype bred to Brown and Red Duns gives Brown Dun, Red
Dun, and Grey. Brey to Greys, it can give Red Dun, Grey and Yellow Dun. Bred
to Uls and Yellow Duns, it can give Brown Dun, Red Dun, Uls and Yellow Dun.

3]    aa BB Cc(cr) ZZ
Individuals of this genotype bred to Brown and Red Duns, can give Brown Dun,
Grey and Uls Dun. Bred to Greys, it can give Grey and ALBINO. Bred to Uls
and Yellow Duns, it can give Brown Dun, Grey, Uls Dun, Yellow Dun and

4]    aa Bb Cc(cr) ZZ
Individuals of this genotype bred to Brown and Red Duns, can give Brown Dun,
Red Dun, Grey, Uls, and Yellow Dun. Bred to Greys, it can give Red Dun,
Grey, Yellow Dun and ALBINO. Bred to Uls and Yellow Duns, it can give Brown
Dun, Red Dun, Grey, Uls Dun, Yellow Dun and ALBINO."

On the basis of his performance so far [bred only to Brown and Grey mares],
we think Erlend must be "BB", and probably doesn't carry the Cremelo gene,
even though he is the lighter, more silvery, Grey color.

Of course, we would have more data if some very nice White or Red mares out
there would seek his favors....

Thanks for the suggestions on the bit warmers. I'll have to say, though,
that the weather here is not getting a bit warmer.... ho, ho, ho. Also
thanks for the responses on haulers, the info was helpful.

On that note, I'll sign off - Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

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