This message is from: "D T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pamela, Lars does have some of the same attributes. He has only been here for about 6 weeks now. He found out that he could get to the hay in the barn about his 3rd week here. The other horses have been here for months and had yet to figuere this out. :-) Yes, he is very smart. He is also stong willed but is coming to the realization that I am the alpha and nothing is going to change that.

He is a love and enjoys being with you. His past owner told me he could never work with Lars around as Lars would carry off the bucket or carry off the hammer etc.

You mentioned not being happy with the line breeding or something like that. What are you meaning by that? What makes this line breeding not as satisfactory to you? I am eager to learn so pardon me for asking so many questions.


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