This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Peg Kuntsen wrote:

... thanks for the kind words about the efforts involved in putting on a Show. Besides Gayle, who put some of her boundless energy into getting the show off the ground, your comments include the old, well, long-time,
stalwarts.. I'm sure I will inadvertently leave some
out, but the Johnsons, Webbers, Daytons, Bergies, Hoopes, Andersons & Rollins's are some that come to mind...

Peg I applaud your efforts in recognising the energies, human and "other" that go into the mix to create the Libby show, or ANY show! It is NOT a simple task by any means, especially as the Fjord exhibitor becomes more and more sophisticated in terms of the range of disciplines they can perform in.
However, just wanted to add a few names to your list of above:
Bev Bishop (nee Tarmina) and her sister Ailene Oakwright who basiclly originated Libby (correct me if I am wrong here!) and Larry & Lynn Bo, who I know were extremely supportive of the show in the early years. Lastly, lets not forget Chip Lamb's contribution...
Anyway, just a little addendum to an allready stellar list.

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, Nv

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