This message is from: "Robyn Millar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It was my intention to thank the Libby Show committee for a wonderful show as
soon as I got home.  This is the second time I have attended the show (as a
spectator) and the first time I have seen a Fjord evaluation.  I used to show
other breeds of horses and as I've gotten old(er) I have little interest in
the great point chase.  Everyone at the Libby Show has been so welcoming and
really worked hard to make a fun, interesting show.  Thank you!
After the show I drove around Glacier Park, Waterton Lakes and, on a whim,
visited Cardston, Alberta to see the Remington Carriage museum (that may not
be the correct title).  I don't have enough superlatives to describe that
experience!  I could have spent a week wandering around in there.  The amount
of planning, let alone work, that went into the displays is mind boggling.
I then drove down to Fernie, BC for the night and awoke Tuesday morning to
find the world drastically changed.  My first thought was the quickest way
across the Border and home.  Apparently, a middle-aged woman and overly
friendly Border Collie didn't look much like terrorist as the security guard
gave me a smile, the dog a pat and we were on our way.
It has been hard to resume normal activities, particularly amusements, but I
did want everyone at the Libby Show to know I really appreciate their hard
work and friendly spirit.
Robyn Millar

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