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Hi Mark,

I cannot seem to get umlats to work in email, so bear with me here.  Most of 
us in the states promounce Bragi in the modern English our modern 
word "brag" with an "ee".  If you wish to do this properly, Bragi has to be 
researched through Old Icelandic, our closest link to Old Norse.  SO, Bragi 
would be bra` ge with the two dots over the a AND the e.  The a is like the a 
in father, and the e is questionable, could be said like the a in path, or 
the e as in need.  As for the g, that too is questionable, although most 
sources say it should be pronounced like the g in German saga, not as hard as 
the g in good.  Make sense I hope?  


Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

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