This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 08:19 PM 12/10/2001 +0100, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eike Schoen-Petersen)
In Europe we are used to transferring horses from different countries quite a
lot. What you get when you buy a horse used to be the pedigree/birth
certificate and now is the "equine passport". This should contain the
and I mean THE pedigree. Not holes. Why would there be holes in a
computer-printout by a registry that has the complete data in the computer?
There isn't any holes in the pedigrees that are in the Passports Eike. The
passports that I get only have 3 generations printed in them though. So
since the NFHR prints a 5 generation pedigree for all of the horses
registered with us there can be some "Holes" in the 4th & 5th generations
if the importer does not provide the full 5 generation pedigree for the
horse. Usually some of the 4th & 5th generations will be filled in due to
the horses being in the NFHR database already. The holes usually show up
in the mare lines as there are so many more of them than there are stallions.
Even in the days when we didn't have computers it was all written out in
Some papers only include the first 3 generations, there could be a problem.
That is the "Problem".
the Dutch include some ancestors but not others in the papers it sure
seems an
unusual way of doing it.
No this is not the case. They provide a full 3 generation pedigree as does
Norway & most other countries we get horses imported from.
Maybe Bob van Bon could organize access to the studbook information as the
Danish have done with their Winhorse-system and Norway is planning to do
the next millenium I expect).
That would be nice for sure. The NFHR has that too. If you haven't seen
our Pedigree site please do take a look at it. How do you access the
Danish Winhorse-system? I haven't seen that one yet. The Canadian
Registry has a pedigree lookup site as well. Here are the links to the
NFHR's site:
Here is the Canadian site:
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497