This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> appears that, when you try to warn the sender, the e-mail address
has been modified.  With an underscore _ at the beginning of the message.
At 08:03 PM 11/26/2001 -0900, you wrote:
>This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Well, I have had about 5 or 6 *irus e-mails, the latest from Ursula Jensen.
> I did update my Norton Anti-v system immediately after I read Mike May's
>message about it, and the system has worked three times since then to catch
>it. The recreational Driving List folks have it too.
>Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska  Clear and cold, -10 F
>>Today, alone, I received two attachments from people on the list I have
>>corresponded with.  Both on the FjordHorse List.  Both had headers of
>>outgoing mail messages I had sent.  One was to the list, one was an
>>individually sent message.  One had a Hamster.doc file, the other something
>>else.  It appears to me that one really MUST have *irus protection now.
>>Gail Russell
>>Forestville CA
>Jean Ernest
>Fairbanks, Alaska
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

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