This message is from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to recommend that everyone who had a picture taken by the
profesional photographers at any of the evaluations get a copy e-mailed to them
if possible and upload them to the NFHR Pedigree Site.  I did this with two of
my fjords brought to Blue Earth last year and the quality was very good.  I
paid the photographer $10.00 each and I use them on my website as well, with
credits to him of course.  If everyone did this we would have a great uniform
look (as well as good pictures) on the Online Pedigree Site.

Mark McGinley
Mariposa Farm

"Mike May, Registrar NFHR" wrote:

> This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 09:16 AM 11/7/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> >This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >for those of you who went to turlock and had photos taken.....have you
> >gotten them?  and does anyone know the lady's name and number who took
> >them?  she was from oakdale and i haven't heard a word.  just wondering.
> >denise
> Denise,
> If you are talking about Marilyn Niles, the photographer and the
> photographs she took for the Evaluation Record book you will not be getting
> hard copies of them from her.  She was only to take the pictures for the
> Record Book & deliver them to the NFHR on a CD Rom.  She has told me that
> she will provide prints to anyone that wants them but at a fee.  I do not
> have her phone number I am afraid.  I do have an email address for her but
> I will not post it here.  If you want to contact her let me know privately
> please.
> Mike
> =======================================================
> Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
> Mike May, Registrar
> Voice 716-872-4114
> FAX 716-787-0497

  • pix Denise Delgado
    • Re: pix Mike May, Registrar NFHR
      • Re: pix Mariposa Farm

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