This message is from: "Cindy Vallecillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Dagrun,

How is everything?  I have been reading your posts on the fjord line.  I
only have e-mail at work so it is hard for me to participate.

I have a favor to ask.  Would it be possible to get the negative of the
picture you took of Mik and I?  The picture that the photographer took came
out TERRIBLE and yours is the only other one of us in the "winners circle".

My address is:

Cindy Vallecillo
221 North San Anselmo Avenue
San Bruno, CA  94066-9435 (the extension on the zip code is really

Please let me know if it is OK.  I will return it to you after I have some
prints made.

Cindy & Mik

-----Original Message-----
From: Dagrun Aarsten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 7:23 PM
Subject: RE: Turlock - Our First Show

Uups meant to send this directly to you so you would get the attachment!

This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Cindy!

Don't know if you remember me - I'm the Norwegian girl who took your picture
(attached here).

Congratulations again! You were great. I was watching you and saying to
Ruthie that you were clearly a great rider and so well in balance over your
horse - you deserved all those ribbons!! I was curious whether you have been
reading anything by Mary Wanless, or the other woman who teaches about
centered riding? You were a picture perfect of their principles.

Keep up the good work!

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Cindy Vallecillo
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 11:43 AM
Subject: Turlock - Our First Show

This message is from: "Cindy Vallecillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What a magical weekend!!!  Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever
imagined Mik and I would do what we did!

I am still walking around with a warm and fuzzy feeling, which has nothing
to do with the heat, the margaritas or the Icelandic coalitions cocktail
concoction (liquid fire)!  It the people!!!  I have never in all my life
met a more AWSOME group, Cesar and I feel as if we have been adopted by this
huge wonderful family and damn it feels good!!!

I started to make a list of people to thank, but it became so long and I was
afraid I would leave someone out.  So let me just say to everyone Cesar, Mik
and I met thank you for your support, encouragement and teasing.  I loved
every bit of it!!!

Last but not least I want to thank the two men in my life Cesar and Mik.
Everything that Mik and I accomplished would not have been possible without
Cesar, he is my ROCK!  And my Mik, I cant envision my life without him.  I
love them both beyond words.

In closing here is a question to ponder; is it the Nordic horses that make
people so nice or are nice people just attracted to the Nordic horses?  ;o)

I wish it was next year already!!!

Cindy Vallecillo
San Bruno, CA

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of
Picture 16.jpg]

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