This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Cindy!

Don't know if you remember me - I'm the Norwegian girl who took your picture
(attached here).

Congratulations again! You were great. I was watching you and saying to
Ruthie that you were clearly a great rider and so well in balance over your
horse - you deserved all those ribbons!! I was curious whether you have been
reading anything by Mary Wanless, or the other woman who teaches about
centered riding? You were a picture perfect of their principles.

Keep up the good work!

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Cindy Vallecillo
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 11:43 AM
Subject: Turlock - Our First Show

This message is from: "Cindy Vallecillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What a magical weekend!!!  Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever
imagined Mik and I would do what we did!

I am still walking around with a warm and fuzzy feeling, which has nothing
to do with the heat, the margaritas or the Icelandic coalitions cocktail
concoction (liquid fire)!  It the people!!!  I have never in all my life
met a more AWSOME group, Cesar and I feel as if we have been adopted by this
huge wonderful family and damn it feels good!!!

I started to make a list of people to thank, but it became so long and I was
afraid I would leave someone out.  So let me just say to everyone Cesar, Mik
and I met thank you for your support, encouragement and teasing.  I loved
every bit of it!!!

Last but not least I want to thank the two men in my life Cesar and Mik.
Everything that Mik and I accomplished would not have been possible without
Cesar, he is my ROCK!  And my Mik, I cant envision my life without him.  I
love them both beyond words.

In closing here is a question to ponder; is it the Nordic horses that make
people so nice or are nice people just attracted to the Nordic horses?  ;o)

I wish it was next year already!!!

Cindy Vallecillo
San Bruno, CA

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
Picture 16.jpg]

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