This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/31/2001 9:34:29 AM Mountain Standard Time,

> <<This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <She is Holsteiner and
twelve.  What is the oldest a maiden mare can be bred?>>

Gayle, we just bred a maiden mare that is 17 years old.  We tried to breed
her 5 or 6 times with A.I. and then just as we were about to give up, in fact
the vet said we were wasting our time, because she was barren, we sent her to
a different stallion for natural cover and she was Pregnant after one cover!!
 So sometimes it can work, she is a lovely Black Arab mare that had never had
anything done with her, we were trying to breed her to a Friesian stallion.
My son has just broke her as well, and she is doing great.  We also had
really bad luck trying to breed our Fjord with AI this year also.  I'm hoping
we can figure out a way to drive to Washington State and do live cover with
Erlend this year.  Tami

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