This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

DON'T build anything in the corral or barn out of cedar, however...I used
cedar posts and boards in their run-in shelter, and also built a little
gate out of cedar, thinking that the cedar would not rot like other
wood...One day I went out and the only thing left of the little gate was
only  the hinges, and a non-cedar board.  Then they started on the cedar
posts and boards..they crunch up so nice!  I don't think they ate much, but
just had delight in shredding the crunchy wood.  No more cedar posts, no
more cedar boards!

Also, my fjords LOVE spruce roots.  I had thought that the big spruce trees
would be safe from them, but they dug up the roots, which are virtually on
the surface here in Interior alaska, and they ate the juicy bark off the
roots.  The trees died of course. I left the big stumps in the paddocks (to
hold the soil on the hill) and they do chew and rub on them.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, another beautiful sunny day, high of 56+ but the
leaves are falling  and hills getting bare.

>my geldings also had a taste for cedar and spruce
>ROOTS and would chew at any he could find or unearth
>by pawing.  These I sprayed with Bio Groom 'No Chew'
>(yes, it needs to be Bio Groom, as other No Chew
>products aren't nasty tasting enough) and he quickly
>got the hint.  That stuff is SO BITTER.  Haven't met a
>horse yet that likes it.  We have used cedar bark
>chips and cedar shavings, etc., in stalls and never
>had a problem with the horses eating the bedding. 

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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