This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Robyn, If the tree eating has recently started and isn't an ingrained habit
yet you could try to coat the tree with liquid Ivory dishsoap. (Ivory is
good because it is purer than other brands. Don't use the grease cutting
brands because the chemicals aren't healthy for the horse) It won't hurt the
horse or tree but the horses don't like the taste. It works for forelock and
tail chewing and doesn't bother the horses digestive system. It would, of
course have to be reapplied often. I am assuming you have already tried
using foal fencing around the base of the tree? Maybe some of our people who
live in Puget Sound, where cedar trees are abundant, would have some
additional thoughts. When you find a "cure" let us listers know, it is
information worth filing away for future reference. Good luck.
Teresa Sanders

----- Original Message -----
From: Robyn Millar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: cedar trees

"This message is from: "Robyn Millar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message to Brian Jensen:
....I took your advice and contacted the Nelson's about my cedar tree eating
Fjord. (if you remember, I have a friend whose horse died from eating cedar
bark). ... Robyn"

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