This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/28/01 9:40:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> .  However, at the FingerLakes Show he did 
> buck Maggie off suddenly during one of the games.  No other problems.  We 
> had 
> the hock x-rayed and the vet who read it said it showed nothing!  We drove 
> Patrick today and did a easy pleasure trot with him and it was still 
> obvious 
> he was short stepping, but no signs of discomfort.  
> SO, before we spend any more money we want to get the advice from all of 
> you. 

Sounds eerily like an issue we recently had with Nikki.  She'd take an off 
step, every once in a while.  But not regularly. Very intermitent (right 
front foot).  Then she refused to canter, gave a little buck.  I "thought" it 
was maybe a training issue.  Then she started to take more off steps, 
particularly in the trot.  Gave her time off.  Tried again, then she bucked 
when I got on her and asked her to walk.  She was telling me SOMETHING was 
wrong.  Got 2 prognosises.  One was that she had a tendon injury, needed 
stall rest and/or hydrotherapy (at $900 for 6 weeks).  Second opinion was 
that it was arthritis.  We couldn't exercise the mare while she was hurting, 
and I couldn't give her free access to our pastures while she was layed up.  
It was a dilemma.  She was getting very unhappy being stuck in a stall (and 
who could blame her) yet she'd become obese if I let her out.  I know now 
that I need to create a GOOD dry lot for fjord layups.  Problem is in the 
Northwest, grass likes to grow even in dry lots!  Anyway, she was miserable.  
I was miserable because she was so unhappy.  So I came up with a good 
solution for all.  She is now back with the woman I bought her from!  And is 
very happy again.  She has  dry lot, and is with old friends.  Oh yes.  The 
day that she went back to her old home, the vet there exrayed her foot and 
found NOTHING wrong.  I suspect beginning navicular, but don't have any 

Sorry for the length here.  I hope you get to the bottom of your mystery.


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