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 Why is this even an issue? Where is the ASPCA and all the other groups that 
jump all over such practices? Here in New York, an elderly man was arrested 
for trapping a rat that was eating his garbage and then killing it by conking 
it on the head. He had originally called the ASPCA or whatever to remove the 
live-captured rat and do with it as they saw fit. The case was tossed by the 
judge after the city populace poured ridicule on the agencies involved. 
Another man was arrested for throwing a rock at a flap-rat pigeon that had 
just soiled him. And yet these farms are allowed to continue doing this to 
horses. Could this be why they are all in Canada, do they have no animal or 
horse protection groups north of the border? Would they quickly be sued out 
of existence if they tried to operate in the US? I wonder...  Merek
  PS.   Lars is slowly regaining the lost weight. The care facility I sent 
him to found no real medical problems and just did a thorough tooth job and 
some hormones and a $1000 bill. I since found out that the stable manager may 
have been cutting the horses feed as he ran out of money in the last few 
months. That, and Lars normal tendancy to stop eating and lose some weight 
every Spring may have been the cause. There is new management now, and they 
are seeing to making sure he is properly maintained, and the results are 
slowly showing. I WILL have to watch this carefully in the future. Other than 
that, he is being killed by my Icelandic. He won't stop teasing Styggur, and 
he won't learn that he is slower to dodge than Styggur, so he has all the 
bite and kick marks. Merek

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