This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've mentioned in passing how , well, slow , Merit is in comparison to his
little sister Nina.  However, we have to change our tune about the big guy
now.  After our training weekend at the Jensen's, we worked on our harness
and our cart getting it fitted correctly - had to have a few email
consultations with Brian and Ursula (you didn't know they offered free
lifetime customer service after a weekend, did you?) - This past weekend,
Mark shortened the shafts and rewelded the hooks on the shafts, fitted the
new bit and felt he had the set up right.  He hitched up Merit and off they
went.  Merit was forward, not stumbly, happy to be pulling weight and
responsive to the bit - even going by our neighbor's quarterhorses and other
neighbors huskies with barely a sideways glance.  And completely ignoring
sister Nina's bleating as she watched him drive off down the road.  I was
shocked.  Then I had my chance - up and down the road and the driveway.
(One funny little thing - I didn't think Merit ever learned the "back"
command but when I tried out the "gee back" to make a tight turn, he heard
the gee and went right and heard the back and backed up.)

The biggest surprise is how eager Merit was to go.  And how well he stopped
on a whoa.  His walk was right - head bobbing and butt moving.  He trotted
right up.  Turns out my boy isn't dumb or lazy - just patiently waiting for
us to direct him properly while still being the sweetest boy in town - I
guess we were the dumb ones.  Let that be a lesson to us all!

Yours in fjording,  Mark and Teressa in downtown Custer, WA
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: PMU Fjord-cross foals for adoption

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have had this discussion before, I must have missed it. Sorry!

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