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I was extremely surprised to learn recently that there are some
Fjord-cross foals being born at the PMU (pregnant mare urine) farms in
Alberta and Manitoba, Canada. I thought maybe some people on this email
list might be interested in adopting one of these foals, so I'm passing
the info along to you all.
(Pregnant mare urine is used to manufacture Premarin, a product taken by
menopausal women to replace the estrogen their bodies used to naturally

Each fall, the weaned foals are sold at auction. According to
information at FoalQuest, , over two-thirds
of the auctioned PMU foals do go to good homes. The remaining foals will
go to meat buyers, unless they are rescued by one of a number of groups
who attempt to save the unwanted foals.

One person on a draft-horse forum I read said that many draft and
draft-cross foals are at greater risk of being bought for slaughter,
because many auction buyers don't want draft foals.

Anyway, if you are interested in adopting a PMU foal from FoalQuest, you
have until August 31 to mail a contract, a "wish list" of the kind of
foal desired, and the appropriate funds ($500 for light, $600 for draft
cross, and $700 for draft). The details are available at the website.

There are photos of two Fjord-cross foals available for adoption at:
(look for #49 and #02, Belgian-Fjord foals -- #49 in particular has the
classic brown dun Fjord coloring)

I don't have any affiliation with FoalQuest, by the way.


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