This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:50 PM 8/5/01 -0300, you wrote:
This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Who in Heavens name came up with this sort of torture? Mike May did you
really do that??

Yes I sit around the office thinking up new ways to torture horses all the time.

And then to really answer that question, NO I do not make the rules. I am the Registrar of the NFHR, the Board of Directors makes the rules. But in the case of DNA typing I think it is a very good rule. You would be very surprised at how many horses would be incorrectly registered to the wrong parents without it.

My colt, Redbank Desert Storm, was registered in the
Canadian Fjord registry and dna was not done. He was microchipped and that was it.

Sorry but microchipping doesn't tell me who his parents are. DNA typing does. Microchipping is a great tool for identification once you know who the horse really is.

Surely if dna is necessary, there must be some method of getting
this without torturing the poor horse in this manner.

Sure there is. If you really can't bring yourself to pull out a few hairs then you can do it with a blood sample. Of course that way is going to cost you a Vet call & an overnight mailing charge to the lab too but it can be done.

This is ridiculous...putting a horse through that! If it is as bad as you say,
Lisa, then the S.P.C.A. should be notified!

It isn't as bad as Lisa's tongue in cheek message made it out to be. Look at the brush after you brush your hair. See anything there? Will you ever brush it again?

Can't dna be taken from saliva?

I don't think so.  At least not yet

If this was necessary to register my horse, I am very
much afraid he would remain unregistered!

That is of course your choice. You can always get someone else to do the dirty work for you too.

After all, I have to do this beasties mane for the rest of his life and if to do dna results in risk of life and limb....NO THANK YOU! IMHO Papers are not that all important to me!

Whatever you want to do Sue. It is a free country an no one is going to force you to register your horses (at least not in the USA).



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497
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