This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<< any ideas on the quickest, easiest way to yank out 50 hairs
 with roots intact from the mane and tail? >>>>


  > Eat a light breakfast. Say prayers. Do not attempt this >while alone.
 > Clasp hairs in fingers. Gloves optional.  Stand away >from hoofs. Yank
>in one sudden motion, do not pull slowly or gently. Be >ready to move
>yourself. Do not try to do all the hairs at once, but keep >in mind....the
>poor horse will remember this procedure every passing >day if you drag it
>Wear a disquise or have hubby do it. Flat, fast shoes, >no heels. Do not
>hairs in haste of moving from hoofs aiming for you. >Keep in mind that
>can and do kick sideways. Call Mike May for >complaining about this
>Its all his idea, Im sure.
>Lisa Pedersen

Who in Heavens name came up with this sort of torture? Mike May did you
really do that??   My colt, Redbank Desert Storm, was registered in the
Canadian Fjord registry and dna was not done.  He was microchipped and that
was it. Surely if dna is necessary, there must be some method of getting
this without torturing the poor horse in this manner.  This is
ridiculous...putting a horse through that!  If it is as bad as you say,
Lisa, then the S.P.C.A. should be notified! If someone started pulling out
my hair three strands or even one at a time, for that matter, I would not
forget and they had better be running when they finish and stay clear of me
for quite some when I get so senile I forget.....! Can't dna be
taken from saliva?  If this was necessary to register my horse, I am very
much afraid he would remain unregistered!  After all, I have to do this
beasties mane for the rest of his life and if to do dna results in risk of
life and limb....NO THANK YOU!  IMHO Papers are not that all important to
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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