This message is from: "John Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<<<This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just a quick note to everyone that Felix has another, very feminine daughter
.. yet unnamed.....who arrived 7 days early........  What a lovely surprise
on a grey Tuesday morning.  >>>
Congratulations Cheryl!   We also had a surprise on Tuesday morning (hot and
Our mare foaled 10 days early....A handsome big boy!   Maybe these  fjord
"twins" will go out on a date sometime in the future.

<<<Vet just arrived and I"m off to meet the vet and
"read the signs".   One or the other of these girls will be for sale this
year, but I don't know which yet.  >>>
Do you always have the vet come when a new foal is born?
Don't think you will be able to part with either of these fillies.

Fjordally yours,  Eunice                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John & Eunice Bosomworth
Deere Country Fjords
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

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