This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/9/01 8:30:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< dear jack, what a letter and what an imspiration to us all!
 congratulations!!  hope to see you and rafael at turlock.  denise >>
Dear Denise,
    Thank you for the nice responce. I only wanted to make things a little 
clearer, and perhaps instill a little inspiration in others who truly want to 
exceed in this wonderful sport, but are either afraid or ashamed of being a 
beginner. I have always been told, if you don't ask questions you don't get 
answers. If you hide, no one will find you, The best one, if the gate dosen't 
squeek, it never gets oiled. I will see you in Turlock, please introduce 
yourself to me, and remind me of your post.  Jack

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