This message is from: Joel Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Folks, there is a reason I refer to my stallion as C-1389. Makes it very
simple to figure out who he is. One can just plug in the number at the
appropriate pedigree search engine & find info on him, or any other
horse, for that matter.  
Just a little known fact of questionable interest here. The horse, Siri,
being mentioned here, would not be registerable in CFHA as she has
unknowns.  There may be an exception to that rule if said horse was
foaled in Canada but not sure on that. Maybe Mr May knows. 

 CFHA voted down amendment to disqualify any horse for registry if it was
crossed out. So all you mule folks that would love a fjord mule look for
CFHA registered mare.

Guess I'm either really stupid or extremely lucky(fine line there) but
have never had a problem with foundering. Have put horses in grass tall
as an elephant's eye right out of the corral & had no founder. Think it
depends on the horse.
Cut hay for 5 hr yesterday & still have over 1/2 that field to cut. Jord,
the Life On the Ground author, was right there for all of it. His new
friend, Finley, will be taking dictation soon as he STILL can't cross the
road without Mom, or Dad, & his hooves are too big to work the keys. 
Last night I overheard them telling him to get a life, they were tired, &
NO, they would not walk him home with me, thank you very much, they were
going to eat & rest. They also reminded him the field is not cut yet so
same time, same place, tomorrow. They encouraged him to eat then rest for
another big day, tomorrow.

Finley did tell me Jord wasn't interested in the carrots she offered him.
I told her to keep on trying.

Joel Harman
Brass Ring Ranch
Mosier OR

haying with the family unit  

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