This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jack writes:
>"Pleasure Driving, Fjords Only" she came in fifth. "Walk Trot English
>Rider" fourth place. "Walk Trot Western Green Horse" fourth place.
>Driving Novice Driver" second place. And, are you ready for this one, "Walk
>Trot Western Novice Rider" FIRST PLACE..... I believe congratulations are
>order : ) I'm sure she will be embarrassed by my sharing these things, but,
>as I said, I learned something from all this. I have a lot more respect for
>those of you that have that special drive to prepare yourselves, your
>and, equipment in order to bring out the best in you and your horse. I have
>learned that there are no losers in these shows, everyone is a winner just
>showing up, and giving your best. My hat is off to all of you, and my heart
>goes out to you. God Bless, Your friend and barn manager, Jack.............

Thanks for sharing that great post, Jack, and I'd have to agree that under
even the best of circumstances, there's always a great deal of "sacrifice"
to get to a show.  I'd also agree with you that just "showing up", at the
show makes everyone a winner.  Congratulations on a job well done, Brigid,
and I hope your grandmother is doing much better.  Judy

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