This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,
The Maine Fjord Club participated in a Horse Fair on May 6.  We held a raffle 
and earned some money for our club.  We raffled off a mailbox that Patty 
Haggstrom painted with a Fjord Head.  It was gorgeous, other raffle items 
were some Fjord 
sillouettes pulling a wagon,. a riding lesson, a grooming for your dog, and a 
blanket and a throw. 
Steve Akeley demonstrated different hitches with his four Fjords.  He 
demonstrated a tandem hitch, a unicorn hitch, and a four horse hitch.   
A couple of Icelandic Horses were also there.  cute horses.  The "tolt" is 
fun to sit to.
The Maine Fjord Club's next event is a Driving Clinic on June 17th.  We have 
two spots left if anyone is interested e mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regarding the buggy trail ride.  Here in Maine the State Bird is the 
Blackfly.  Spring and summer are not my favorite months.  Give me fall and 
winter.  The blackflies make the nice weather impossible to enjoy.  
Sue C   

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