This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

I am delighted to announce the arrival of our new grey filly out of MVF
Kariella by MVF Erlend. She is adorable, of course, [aren't they all?] and
is becoming the fearless Queen of her Paddock. Already, she has subdued the
foal-eating metal feed tub that grabbed her as she ran by, and the white
plastic feed sack that crackles wickedly. She also has bravely slobbered and
nibbled on Spike, one our fluffy barn cats. He just purrs and rolls over....

We have named her "Knutsen Fjord's Julia," which we pronounce the Norwegian
way - "Yuli." Doug came through with flying colors in his first chance to be
the mid-husband. Kari was so efficient, though, that she slipped that little
gal right out in a couple of minutes for Doug to dry off and start
imprinting. After Sadie's awful experience, he was soooo glad things went

Kari is a fantastic mom, and passed that along to Sukkertoy, her daughter
who lives with Janice Lee. I assume Yuli and Tink, Suki's daughter, will be
the same. Our plan was to sell Yuli, but we will have to think on that,
after losing our other baby.  Yuli's full brother is RT Gandalf, and I'm
sure he is glad he won't have to put up with a pestering little sis at his

We have some sad news as well. Clark the goat began failing rapidly over a
couple of days, and we had to put him down to prevent more suffering. As
much as I complained about him, I feel really sad that he's gone. What a
chapter he wrote in our lives!

That's all for tonight. I'm off to bed - Lori wore me out with wonderful
visits and horrid car-ride games [I'm sure she cheats], and I leave Sunday
for Norway.

'Nite, all - Peg

Bye now - Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

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