This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/21/03 6:07:39 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> I have a "new" horse!  I took my 10 year old mare, Reina, to Gayle
> Ware's 60 days ago for training.  Tuesday I drove down to check on her
> progress.  I never would have recognized her under saddle had I not
> known it was her!
> The "old" Reina was heavy on the front and bit resistant.  The "new"
> Reina is collected, light on her feet, has a gorgeous head set and
> responds at the slightest touch on the rein!
> Brian Jensen had suggested getting riding training for Reina because he
> felt it would correct the problems I'd been experiencing driving her.
> He happened to be passing by Gayle's last weekend on his way to
> Lassesen's to pick up Ursula's new gig (it sounds wonderful Ursula!) and
> drove Reina.  Gayle taped the driving.  I couldn't believe what I was
> seeing as I watched it.  Reina didn't even move like the same horse.
> Did I say that already?!
> I feel like a kid in a candy store - bubbling over with excitement!  :-)
> Thanks Gayle - no words can express how much I appreciate your talent.
> And thanks Brian for suggesting the training and stopping in to drive my
> "new" Reina!
> Taffy Mercer

I'm a bit behind on reading emails.  Have been glued to the TV, monitoring 
the war efforts.  My dad served in the Army during WWII.  My husband served 2 
tours in Viet Nam, and my son served in Kuwait and Somalia.  I guess you 
could say that we are a military family.  Patriotic flag wavers, if nothing 
else.  Have found myself praying incessantly for safety of our troops and a 
swift end to all of it.  I know what it feels like to have loved ones in 
conflict.  So, Debbie Stai, Elizabeth Walton and everyone else with family 
members serving in the armed forces, know that we uplift you and your 
families continuously!

Taffy, thank you for the kind words!  It has been fun to watch Reina's 
progress for me too.  I was so happy that Brian was able to stay here for a 
couple of days and 'play' with us.  I was particularly interested in having 
his feedback, since he had driven her before she came here.  The icing on the 
cake was when Brian was able to do Auchenbach (I have no idea how to spell 
that), one handed, 20 meter circles with her.  It was at the point that he 

I had kept in mind that Reina was going to be driven so had to 'temper' the 
WHOA training.  Don't think sliding stops in a cart would be well received!  
I had tried to continue verbal commands as we went, knowing that that is a 
big part of communications when driving.  However, since Brian is from a 
'different' country, it seems that our languages differ.  While we were 
discussing  'horse speak', I discovered that Brian uses 'HUP HUP' to 
encourage a stronger trot.  YIKES!  That is my command for roll backs!  Told 
him not to do that!  LOL!  Actually, I had not done that with Reina since I 
knew roll backs weren't acceptable maneuvers in a cart either!  FUNNY!

I'm glad that you are pleased, Taffy.  The ensuing 30 days will serve to 
polish her even more.


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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