This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Brigid Wasson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So you did get the Tundra after all! Mine is still going strong, after a 
> bizarre transmission problem. [...]  Of course the warranty had expired 5 
> minutes earlier...

Funny how that works.  Like all the recent postings about mares
foaling when one turns one's back, I guess.  OTOH, the reason we have
stuck with Toyotas is that repairs are rarely needed.

> >  tow with "too small" vehicles
> [...] Did this with my Toyota Tacoma, although it probably wasn't such
> a hot idea. I'd say I "got away with it" but I wouldn't recommend it. I'm 
> sure it put a heck of a stress on the engine.

Yeah---both our little Toyota pickup and the 4-Runner "used up" their
clutches somewhat prematurely.  My husband blamed it on the way I
would "slip" the clutch, to get the rig moving on a steep hill (trying
not to knock the equines off of their feet).  Then, I'd remind him of
the time he weighed out of the quarry with 3500 lb of gravel in a
certain little truck rated to carry 1000 lb....  I joke that it's a
good thing Toyotas don't read English very well---they don't know they
aren't supposed to be able to do that!  So, they just grunt, dig in
their toes, and get on with it---rather like Fjords.  ;-)

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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