This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, she looks good and a little fat, I don't think you want her any
fatter!  Not obese yet (I have seen some fjords who looked like a huge fat
sausages)  but I think you could cut down on the groceries, you don't want
her to get laminitis and founder.  I would cut the corn oil and at least
half of the senior feed to start... Then see how she goes, get some muscle
on her.  Spring is coming, has she shed much? 
I keep my fjords somewhat slimmer than a lot I have seen ...I like to at
least be able to FIND their last rib or two.  And here in COLD Fairbanks
winters mine are only getting at MOST 2 lbs senior feed,(or for the younger
ones, Nutrena 12%) no oil, a handful of alfalfa pellets and 1/2 lb Calf
Manna  plus about 15-20 lbs grass hay in the coldest part of the winter,
now I've cut their grain to l lb, no Calf Manna, no alfalfa pellets.  Just
to give you an example.  I suppose some fjord folks would consider my
fjords thin?  but some fjords I have seen at Libby I would consider obese,
and friends who have their fjords on pssture most of the time have really
obese fjords.

My Farrier has harped on the subsject for years...TOO FAT!, in danger of
laminitis and founder.  So I would REALLY be careful and not let her get
any fatter, and if she is getting a cresty neck, cut down on the feed or
she may founder.

Just my humble opinion.......

Jean in sunny Fairbanks, ALaska,  home ot the World Champion Ice carving
constest, the Junior Olympics x-country ski races are going on as well as
the winter carnival.  What a great time of year!

>Yep.  Obese.  She was pretty skinny when I got her in November and I've been
>pouring the food to her...  I've been thinking she still has a ways to go,
>my vet says otherwise.  She may be right...  
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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