This message is from: "Monica Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yep.  Obese.  She was pretty skinny when I got her in November and I've been
pouring the food to her...  I've been thinking she still has a ways to go, but
my vet says otherwise.  She may be right...  It's clear that Friska needs to
fill out more, but it's muscle that's needed there, which I can hopefully
remedy with exercise - ponying her up and down hills.  I have a hard time
seeing her as actually obese - I've seen lots of horses fatter than this.

The vet pointed out fat pads above Friska's loins, on her croup, behind her
jaw, and behind her elbows.  She also says she's putting fat on her belly.
(To me her belly just looks like a out-of-shape mare who has had a bunch of
foals and has poor muscle tone overall...)

So anyway I took a bunch of snapshots of her this morning so I could get
feedback from you folks: (recent photos are at the bottom)

What do you think?  The vet wants me to cut off her corn oil (she's been
getting 1 cup a day) and senior pellets(she's been getting 6 lbs a day), give
her no grain except a handful of oats to mix vitamins into and stop adding a
flake of alfalfa to her 24/7 grass hay.  I'm quite willing to cut back on the
groceries, but I don't want her to backslide...

Monica in Nelson, BC

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