This message is from: "Ursula & Brian Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

             Dear List from Brian Jensen;
                    Coon footed is the extreme form of broken axis. This
structural defect predisposes a horse to stress and strain on the flexor
tendons, distal sesamoid, pastern joint and more. The ultimate effect is
                   As Curtis Pierce indicated--a horse with Broken Axis is
useable in a light work environment. A coon-footed horse is hardly
useable---maybe could serve as a companion to another lonesome horse.
                   Since we are on the topic-- the Club-Footed horse has a
front  hoof wall closer to the vertical--90 degrees. Usually with shorter,
more vertical pasterns. These affected horses suffer from lameness,
irregular gait with stilted action.--Brian J
Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032
Lumby BC, V0E 2G0
Canada 250-547-6303

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