This message is from: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Taffy's question about horses' reactions to camels brought back
memories-some fond, some not so fond.  Three years ago, my 4-H club gave
pony rides at our county fair and we were put in a round pen right next
to a round pen with 3 camels which were also giving rides.  The very
calm, dependable ponies that we were planning to use absolutely freaked
at the camels & we had to put them on their trailers & send them home. 
My fjord Loki was the only one not affected by the camels & he gave many
pony rides that day all by himself.  When the camels were tied to their
round pen during a break, they panicked & pulled the round pen into a
crescent shape & you can only imagine the noise of the camels screaming &
the pen moving.  I all but panicked because Loki had a child on his back
but my wonderful horse only looked over at the melee next to him & then
ignored it.  That's when I knew I had a fantastic fjord.  Of course,
later, my husband had the nerve to suggest that maybe Loki is
deaf.....he's not....he can hear grain rattle far, far away from the
barn!Good luck with your situation-Sandra in Va.


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