Hello List!  Sure wish I was going to the sale!!  I do want to share an 
experience that I had with one of the evaluators judging a fjord show and after 
the show was done for the day......the judge( he or she) so 
you'll never know!!........was walking around the stalls......I asked the 
judges opinion of my was a young one...and he said it was great 
......except for it had broken axis on it's front feet.....I didn't reply as 
the judge went on to some other points......and then I started asking opinions 
and just looking myself, after I understood what a Broken Axis is.......When 
you looked at this horses feet, the coronary band had quite a puff of hair 
sticking out all around the coronary band and had good hairy fetlocks.....which 
of course,,,we leave our fjords hairy!! LOL! .and yes it did look like a broken 
axis.......but it isn't.. I felt the hair,,,,,i shaved off the hair when I got broken axis.......So, my question is.....was thi!
s stallion evaluated by the judge that said my horse has a broken axis? just 
curious....oh,,,,,,,other fjord breeders and owners,,,,other horse breed owners 
and two vets have said , no, there is no broken axis..... Now, this will narrow 
it down a bit ....when the dutch came to evaluate fjords in 2000........this 
horse received an A broken axis......on the conformation 
sheet....I have not been to an American Evaluation since the first one back 
East, years back!! But am planning and saving now,,,,to bring horses to the 
Ohio Eval this September! I won't have a problem bringing this horse to an 
evaluation. Now that I am comfortable with what a Broken Axis is and looks 
like...........if need be.....if the same judge is there......I will shave the 
lower legs!!  LOL!!    This is not meant to put down any of the 
Evaluators......but seeing the talk go to Norway  and that they don't look for 
that,,,,and how the NFHR Evals.. will change the fjords......I don't think !
that will happen!  If you were to be technical......alot of t!
he horses and maybe Tim's too, are from Norway, Holland, Sweeden, 
Germany.........and are bred here in the states to stallions that are also technically........all of the offspring are really first hand 
out of imports!!  Even Hilmar is "an import" from Holland as he came Inutero!! 
Out of a Dutch Mare/ by a Dutch Stallion.....The other mares I have come from 
Holland! I wonder what the ratio is now or if you can tell from the Pedigree many fjords are totally american or canadian bred? be interesting to 

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