This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Loretta, from one Marine Mom to another. Be proud of your son. He is joining 
the Few, The Proud, The Marines

My son is 20 and is currently in Okanawa, Japan (he left for bootcamp Sept 
24, 2001) and getting ready to ship out to the Phillipines for two months of 
Embassy duty. He is in military police. Jake was never much into the horses, 
but when he left and came back, he said he missed their peaceful company and 
volunteered to do all the feeding while he was home. Guess he found what the 
simple things in life can bring you. He is definetly a changed young man. 
Although still our Jake

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

BRRRRR it's currently 3 degrees

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