This message is from: "loretta reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everyone,
  I figured that this might be worth a few grins...
My son Jeremy left this past Wednesday morning for Parris Island in South
Carolina. He is now beginning what he calls "a very long job interview" I've
never quite heard joining the Marines put quite like that. Now you might be
wondering what this has to do with fjords but.....
  I decided that to show support for Jeremy, my 4 legged boy would have his
mane cut Marine style. So some friends who have a great set of clippers,
buzzed Duncan military style. He does look cute I have to say.
  Since we've had alot of tears here the last few days, I'm so grateful I have
such a wonderful horse in my life. (How could he not be wonderful? He's a
Loretta who's now a proud Marine Mom and Duncan (the proud Marine Fjord)

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