This message is from: "Dave & Patti Jo Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm hoping Steve, our Vet will jump in here, I'm way over my head on this one.
BUT, this is what I know.  This is not something they can outgrown and I'm
pretty sure it's genetic.  He was NOT looking like a gangly teenager or "just"
young looking.

Tim was told that Norway does not look for this sort of thing and that they do
have it in several of their stock.  You will see it in certain lines.  I
believe in a past Herald they had the top stallions of Norway listed with
pictures and one of them had it, they still placed him up there????

My feeling is, if the judges are telling you you have a problem and time,
feeding, training are not gonna help it, listen to the judges, take their
advice.  Viktor was looking good, really good for a young 2 yr old! If it were
not for this broken axis he would have gotten a red easy and most likely a
blue when he matured, he's a nice looking boy.

Perhaps if one of the judges would like to speak up and explain this as well
as Steve as vet, that would help others understand??

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords

I like the idea of wearing a green ribbon at the Waverly sale so we can tell
each other apart.  Perhaps the ribbon should go on a baseball cap so we can
see it????

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