This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had hot wire when Bjorken was born:  Stella, his mom, ventured out of the
stall with him the first day when he still had the padding in his feet...he
touched the hot wire but was insulated, and she touched him and got
shocked.  She pushed him back into the stall and didn't let him out for two
day!  Then she took him around an showed him the fence, must have told him
to stay away from it! she herded him away from it.

Good mom!

Jean in balmy Fairbanks, Alaska, +35 and sunny!  7 1/2 hours possible sun.

>Second statement re electric fencing.  Young foals do not know how to back
>up and when they hit a hot wire they frantically push forward and can injure
>themselves severely.   Jean

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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