This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is a tv channel that we get on Dish 
>Network(satalite) called RFT-TV.  They have shown some quarter horse show 
>events and some Paso Fino shows. 

For all of you out there in digital TV land....Can you help me figure out
which TV service is the best for Horsey TV?  We have Direct TV now.  We can
get AT&T Broadband Cable.  And we can get Dish Network. I've seen NOTHING
about horse TV on either AT&T Broadband or Direct TV, but it may be there.
We are about to move back into our home after more than a year in a rental
house while we remodel (we made the horses stay home to watch the place).
So...we need to choose what cable/satellite service to buy.  We really do
make TV decisions based on horsey/ranch type stuff.  We used to have a
Sunday night family tradition of watching PMBR bull riding.  When we moved
it did not come on at the same time.  Destroyed our entire family life!  And
Beth Beymer has said that the Dish Network RFT_TV has some great horse
videos...that has me almost convinced to switch from Direct TV to Dish
Network.   The only other consideration is whether we can get my
son-in-law made a presentation to ABC last month that may result in his
getting to direct/produce...or some position like ABC
which case we HAVE to watch that.  (Brag, brag.)

In a less horsey vein...if anyone has opinions on the usefulness of Dish
Networks satellite internet access service....I would love to hear about
that...OFF LIST.  I gather Direct TV canned the DirectWay Satellite Internet
access....and I heard that the Dish Network offering (Starband) was in not sure any of them are worthwile.  
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

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