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In a message dated 1/12/2003 11:22:11 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Our farm is on a back country road , but it receives a good deal of tourist 
> traffic since there are miles of hiking and cross country trails nearby and 
> people use our road to access those trails. 


That sounds a lot like our situation here in central OR.  We just happen to 
live in a "resort/tourist" area (27 golf courses, a "top ten in the world" 
rock climbing area, several destination resorts, as well as hiking, fishing, 
hunting, and don't forget skiing!) and we live right on THE main North/South 
highway for this part of the state. Hardly a day goes by in the summer months 
when we don't have at least one car pull in to the yard, or stop out in the 
feed store parking lot to take picture. We always cheerfully take them out to 
meet the horses.  I'll never forget the day some folks stopped several years 
ago and we took them out in the pasture to see the horses. At that particular 
time we had 5 mares, 1 foal and our late stallion Bjorn all out together. 
Bjorn was, of course right there being Mr. Friendly (or nosey), and the 
gentleman asked about his color; why was he grey instead of gold?  In my 
explanation of the color of fjords I let slip the fact that Bjorn was a 
stallion. I still chuckle at the man's reaction to the fact that he was 
actually standing in a field with a "Stallion & his herd of mares" and that 
he was actually petting that stallion. Incidentally, he was so impressed with 
our Fjords that he ended up buying the gelding colt from us. 


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

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